Can older avalanche transceivers still be reliable? (e.g. F1, M1, S1, Patroller)

A reliable, functional avalanche transceiver is essential on every tour in the backcountry. Do older avalanche transceivers such as the F1, F2, M1, S1 or Patroller offer the same level of safety and reliability as current models?

Generally, old yet functional avalanche transceivers that have been regularly checked by our service point* can still reliably search despite their old technology.
BUT: New developments and improvements have made avalanche transceivers safer. Optimized displays, sounds, voice outputs and many other features make new models more intuitive and easier to use and, therefore, safer in the terrain. In particular, Smart-Antenna technology and avalanche transceivers with 3 antennas make the devices significantly easier to find in transmit mode, so avalanche burial victims can be located more quickly. In an emergency, when every second counts, this can make all the difference.

Our recommendation:

We therefore generally recommend that you exclusively use avalanche transceivers with 3 antennas: DIRACT, DIRACT VOICE, 3+, S1+ and ZOOM+

*Find out here how often an avalanche transceiver service should be carried out and how it works: Avalanche transceiver check-up or repair: costs & how to

Avalanche transceiver replacement campaigns: swapping old for new

Unfortunately, we are not currently running a replacement campaign.

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Can older avalanche transceivers still be reliable? (e.g. F1, M1, S1, Patroller)