Want to travel with your ORTOVOX avalanche backpack? Here is all the information you’ll need to consider when travelling by plane.
ORTOVOX avalanche backpacks with cartridges
Note: :
Please note that both the ORTOVOX AVABAG avalanche backpack and the ORTOVOX ABS avalanche backpack have a cartridge system. Therefore, the information below applies to both backpack models.
Because the AVABAG cartridge (or ABS cartridge) is filled with pressurized gas, the ORTOVOX AVABAG avalanche airbag and ORTOVOX ABS avalanche airbags are classed as “dangerous goods” by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
However, there is a list of certain products that are authorized by IATA, and our avalanche airbag is included in this list. Every IATA member airline knows this list and can allow the backpack to be transported.
So although IATA authorizes the transportation of AVABAG backpacks or ABS backpacks with cartridge systems, it is still necessary to get authorization from the airline. Therefore, it is important to inform the airline before booking and provide them with the extract from the IATA table as well as the data sheet for the cartridge. These documents are available to download at the bottom of this passage. However, please note that an airline may still set stricter rules even if it is an IATA member. We therefore recommend finding out what the rules are and getting authorization from the airline before booking your flight. Permission to transport an avalanche backpack on a plane is not guaranteed!
Exception: travel to the USA or Canada
Travel to the USA or Canada is an exception to this rule. There, filled pressurized gas cartridges for avalanche airbags are not permitted in an aircraft – without exception. Therefore, we recommend flying without a cartridge and renting one locally. For this reason, please inform yourself in advance about rental options at the local retailer. Our contact persons in our country offices will be happy to help you.
PDF downloads:
- AVABAG technical flight information
- Technical data sheet for an AVABAG carbon cartridge
- ABS: Data Sheet for Activation Unit Steel
- IATA table 2022